Low-cost vaccinations & more

Nine Lives can help keep your cat healthy and thriving! We believe in reducing barriers when it comes to the medical care of your cat. We are committed to keeping costs low and ensuring we take care of the people in our community, as well as our cats. In addition to low-cost vaccines, our clinics offer deworming, flea medication, FIV/FELV testing, microchipping, and nail trimming. Book today!

  • Clinics are held most Wednesdays from 3:00 to 6:00 pm at 3137 Jefferson Avenue in Redwood City. We recommend scheduling an appointment to expedite your visit.

  • For walk-ins, please call on the day you are planning to bring your cat to confirm we are holding a vaccine clinic. (650) 368-1365 (ext. 0)

  • All cats must arrive in a carrier.

  • Read complete vaccine guidelines prior to your visit.

    Guidelines for Vaccinating Your Cat or Kitten

Cat with cone after low cost medical procedure Nine Lives

Services and Pricing

We also offer subsidized pricing fro registered 501c3 rescue organizations. Please give us a call for further information.

ServiceDetailsPricing Item or TypeCost
FVRCP Vaccines
Protects against 3 common and highly contagious upper respiratory infectionsFVRCP #1
RABIES vaccine
Merial PureVax
Cats or kittens at least 16 weeks of age$50
FELV vaccines
Merial PureVax
An effective vaccine for prevention of the Feline Leukemia Virus$34
FELV / FIV testResults in 10 minutes. Tests for Feline Leukemia Virus, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

Dewormer – Feline(tapeworm/roundworm)$15-$25
Advantage MultiProtects from heartworms, intestinal worms (including hookworms, roundworms and whipworms), and kills fleas$22
911 Pet Chip –
Learn more about 911 Pet Chip Private

Toenail Trim$20
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