Legacy Giving
The Legacy Circle is our special way of recognizing our friends whose planned gifts ensure a healthy financial future for Nine Lives and at-risk cats in our care for years to come. When you enroll to let us know about your legacy, you’ll receive special communications and activities, and you will be eligible to enroll your cat(s) in our Continuing Care program—our special service to ensure they will always have a loving home.
Including Nine Lives Foundation in your final giving plans makes a powerful statement about your love for cats, and gives you security knowing your gift of love and care will continue on after you. Your remembering us in your will, trust or other estate plans ensures our ability to save thousands of cats annually through our low-cost, affordable adoptions and veterinary services. Your thoughtful gift influences others to remember Nine Lives as well.

Your legacy of love can include…
🐾 Naming Nine Lives as a beneficiary in your will or living trust
🐾 Naming Nine Lives as the beneficiary of a paid life insurance policy or individual retirement account (IRA)
🐾 Paid on Death beneficiary designations on bank accounts and Charitable Beneficiary Deeds
🐾 Creating a charitable remainder trust (CRT) which provides you the donor with income for the term of the trust, with the remainder going to Nine Lives

Benefits of Legacy Circle Giving
🐾 Annual Thank You event invitation
🐾 Behind-the-Scenes tour with Nine Lives Leadership
🐾 Acknowledgement on in-shelter signage (optional)
🐾 Complimentary annual calendar
🐾 Annual Report
🐾 Continuing Care* for your cats to ensure they always have a loving home
Ready to join our Legacy Giving Circle, or let us know if you have already?
If you’ve already included Nine Lives in your final giving plans, please let us know by completing this Legacy Gift Notification Form so we can thank you personally and officially welcome you into the Legacy Giving Circle!
To include Nine Lives in your final giving plans, here is the information you will need to get started:
- Our legal name is Nine Lives Foundation.
- We are a 501(c)3 California nonprofit organization and our federal tax ID number is 20-2150714.
- Our legal address is 3137 Jefferson Avenue, Redwood City, CA 94062
- Our phone number is 650.368.1365

Suggested language to name Nine Lives Foundation as a beneficiary:
There are several ways to support your commitment to save and protect cats. Your individual situation is unique – please discuss the specific language with your legal, tax and financial advisors.
1. Percentage of estate
I give, devise, and bequeath to Nine Lives Foundation, a nonprofit organization (Tax ID #20-2150714) located in Redwood City, California, ____________________ percent (%) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate [or trust] as an unrestricted gift to be used at the discretion of the Board of Directors of Nine Lives Foundation for its general purposes.
2. Specific amount
I give, devise, and bequeath to Nine Lives Foundation, a nonprofit organization (Tax ID #20-2150714) located in Redwood City, California, the sum of ____________________ ($ ____________________), free of all estate, inheritance or other succession taxes and free of all expenses of administration, as an unrestricted gift to be used at the discretion of the Board of Directors of Nine Lives Foundation for its general purposes.
3. Beneficiary designation of life insurance policy, retirement plans or financial accounts
Provide your insurance company, administrator of your retirement plan, or your financial institution with the required form and the following language:
“I hereby designate Nine Lives Foundation, Redwood City, California, a nonprofit organization, irrevocable beneficiary of Policy No. ____________________, Plan No. ____________________ , or Account No. ____________________.”
Designating the purpose of a gift:
Unrestricted: The most useful type of gift is unrestricted, allowing the funds to be allocated by Nine Lives Foundation wherever the need is greatest.
Restricted: You may designate your gift to support a program or purpose that reflects your personal or professional interest (for example: Shelter Medicine, Spay/Neuter Services, or Adoption).
Thank you for making Nine Lives a part of your legacy. If you have questions, please contact Susan Robinson, Secretary, at susan@ninelivesfoundation.org or 650.368.1365.