Pre Op
Your cat will have general anesthesia for spay or neuter surgery. Please do not feed your cat after midnight the night before surgery. Always have water available.
Please drop off your cat in a carrier or trap between 7:30 – 8:30 am.
Each cat receives:
- general anesthesia
- injectable pain control
Feral or pregnant cats also receive sub-cutaneous fluids.
We recommend microchipping at the time of surgery when possible, especially if the cat is feral or stray or will be living in an indoor/outdoor situation.
Feral cats will receive a left ear tip to indicate they have been fixed and vaccinated. Feral/stray cats in traps will receive an FVRCP and rabies vaccine.
You will receive a phone call when your cat is ready to be picked up. All cats must be picked up by 5:30 pm on the day of surgery. A late pick up fee of $25 will apply if you arrive after 5:30 pm.
All cats should be held overnight after surgery – do not release feral cats the same day, as they might still be drowsy and vulnerable to attacks.

Post-op Instructions
In addition to surgery, your cat received general anesthesia and pain control medication today. Feral cats also received injectable antibiotics.
It is not uncommon for animals to be subdued, tired, and/or have decreased appetite following anesthesia and surgical procedures. These signs should resolve within 24 to 48 hours. If your cat has still not returned to normal behavior within two days, please call us at (650) 368-1365 for instructions.
- If your cat was spayed today, she may develop swelling (resembling a grape) at the incision site in a few days. This swelling is normal and will resolve as the stitches underneath the skin dissolve. If the swelling is red, painful, or leaking blood or other discharge, please contact our clinic. The skin is closed with stitches just below the surface and glue on the surface. No external sutures are used; therefore there is no need to return for removal.
- If your cat was neutered today, some bleeding from the scrotum is normal. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns.
- Typically e-collars are not needed unless the cat is licking excessively. If your cat continually licks or chews at their incision, please contact us.
- If you have concerns post-surgery, please call Nine Lives at (650) 368-1365. If we are not available and you are concerned that your cat has a life-threatening condition, please contact an emergency veterinarian. (Care provided outside Nine Lives is at the owner’s expense).
Call our clinic at (650) 368-1365